Dieffenbachia leggy: plant care, transplantation, reproduction, disease, and pest control

Dieffenbachia flower is an evergreen plant that came to us from America. In total, there are about 50 species of breeds of this plant in nature. Indoor Dieffenbachia is distinguished by good adaptation to the room atmosphere and rapid growth. Next, consider what Dieffenbachia leggy is, home care, transplantation, and prevention of plant diseases.

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Dieffenbachia leggy description

Dieffenbachia plants are herbaceous evergreen perennials that, with proper care, can grow from 0.5 to 3 m in height. Almost all species of Dieffenbachia plants are poisonous. Therefore, care must be taken when working with the plant.

All species varieties have rich, fleshy, and strong stems, as well as large leaves from 54 cm in length and up to 20 cm in width. Leaves can be plain or variegated with clearly traced veins. Leaves color from dark green to light green, sometimes indoor plants have yellow leaves. Many varieties combine several shades of green and yellow on one leaf plate. It can be contrasting stripes, spots, or specks.

The leaves have the shape of an elongated oval, pointed towards the edge. Sheet plates can be matte or glossy. The lower leaves plate of the plant constantly dries out, falls off, and exposes the trunk. Without a transplant, Dieffenbachia takes on the appearance of a palm tree, with a bare trunk and a fluffy top.

To prevent this process, flower growers recommend pinching the top point of growth or re-rooting the top every 3-4 years.

How and when do Dieffenbachia plants bloom?

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At home, the Dieffenbachia plant blooms very rarely. With good care, Dieffenbachia can bloom by mid-summer. Dieffenbachia flowers consist of an ear and a veil that never fully opens. Under the cover of the coverlet on the cob, you can see small flowers of yellow or white, which do not add decorativeness to the plant.

As it grows on the cob, small fruits of red or orange color are formed. During flowering, Dumb cane plants of Dieffenbachia seguine spend a lot of energy on the formation and growth of a flower. The lower part of the trunk may become bare, which will lead to a loss of decorativeness. Some flower growers are advised to prune Dieffenbachia before it blooms.

How to care for a Dieffenbachia plant?

It is important to remember that the plant reacts negatively to lime, chalk, and chlorine. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude fertilizers containing these elements from the list. And also water Dieffenbachia only with filtered water.


Dieffenbachias are unpretentious indoor plants. Therefore, it does not require special knowledge when planting and further care. If you follow the basic rules of Dieffenbachia’s growth and plant, then the flower will quickly take root in a new place and have healthy growth. Adult Dieffenbachia is transplanted once every 3-4 years.

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For transplanting new plants, prepare a pot 20–40 mm larger than the previous one. The depth of the pot does not matter much, but should be chosen taking into account the size of the roots and the earthy coma. To do this, the top layer of the earth is dried, then the prepared mixture is carefully removed and covered.

Pot selection

The capacity of Dumb cane should not be too spacious, as the plant will spend a lot of energy on the formation of the root and slow down the growth of the green part. But this does not mean that you need to use a cramped pot. It should be borne in mind that the next plant transplant will be needed only after 3 or 4 years.

A tropical moisture-loving plant prefers light soils that allow moisture and air to pass through. Slightly acidic soil mixtures are best suited for evergreen crops. You can prepare the mixture yourself or purchase ready-made soil for deciduous and ornamental plants in a specialized store.

Potting soil

Composition No. 1:

  • coarse sand 1 part;
  • peat 1 part;
  • a mixture of turf, leaf, and garden soil 4 parts.

Composition No. 2 (1: 1):

  • coarse sand;
  • humus;
  • leaf land;
  • peat.

Both compositions can be supplemented with chopped sphagnum. Drainage holes must be laid out with large pebbles, expanded clay, or broken bricks. To determine the acidity of the soil, flower growers use special tests that can be purchased at flower shops.


Dieffenbachia is shade-tolerant and likes enough light. Such contradictions are because when new growth is in deep shade, the color of the leaves becomes less saturated, and in bright direct sunlight, the plates and stems can get burned.

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An ideal place for new growth in the summer would be east or west windows with enough light. You can also install a pot in the back of the room with enough natural light where Dumb cane will receive indirect bright light, but will protect its leaves from the destructive rays of the sun.


Dumb cane is a heat-loving tropical crop, therefore it does not tolerate temperature drops and fluctuations. But unlike many plants, this type of home flower calmly endures periods of the heating season and does not wither near heat sources. The average ideal temperature is from +19 °C to +30 °C.

Watering. Сan root rot appear from the soil moist?

Dieffenbachia plant when grown at home is very sensitive to drought and stagnant moisture. Therefore, you should carefully consider the irrigation schedule. The main thing is that moisture does not stagnate, as this will lead to rotting of the root, yellowing of the foliage, and, as a result, the death of the plant.

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Long periods of drought, like stagnation, will have negative consequences. In summer, the Dumb cane is watered quite abundantly and the remaining liquid is removed from the pan in time. In the winter months, the frequency of watering is reduced, but the potting soil moisture is carefully monitored.

Do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. A tropical plant unlike cactuses needs daily spraying.

If the air in the room is too dry, the leaf plates of leggy Dieffenbachias begin to turn yellow at the edges and fade. Flower growers recommend once every two weeks to wipe the leaves from dust accumulation with a soft, damp cloth or sponge. But make sure that water does not fall on the surface of the soil. For watering, the Dieffenbachia plant uses filtered water.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Flower growers advise replacing 3-5 cm of the top layer with new soil before fertilizing. Dieffenbachia fertilize twice in spring and summer, with an interval of 1 month. For the first feeding, complex mineral compositions for green plants and the rooting hormone are used. For the second feeding, it is best to choose organic fertilizers. Such as peat, and rotted compost.

It is advisable to use nitrogen-containing dressings that will help increase the new growth. Nitrogen has a positive effect on the color of leaf plates, after fertilization they become brighter, and variegated varieties are more contrasting.

How do you prune a Dieffenbachia leggy?

Pruning is carried out to correct the crown and remove old leaves. Some flower growers practice pinching the top point of growth. After this procedure, side shoots and dormant buds will begin to develop. The bush will take on a beautiful decorative appearance. The foliage will be more abundant and lush.

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For prune, Dieffenbachia uses a sharp, disinfected tool. Places of cuts must be blotted with a napkin or soft cloth. The wound is sprinkled with activated charcoal, ash, or smeared with pitch. The parts remaining after trimming are not thrown away, but rooted. New plants are grown from all parts.


The main methods of propagating Dumb cane at home are cuttings and taps. Breeders practice seed breeding to obtain new varieties and hybrids. Not the most common method is the division of the bush. Dieffenbachia’s growth is rarely into several trunks from one root.

Apical cuttings

This method is often combined with transplanting an adult Dumb cane, in which the stem is exposed. The top is cut off with a sharp knife and rooted in a mixture of sand, peat, and sphagnum or water with growth stimulants. When germinating in a soil mixture, the stalk needs regular moisture.

To speed up the process of growing the root, the seedling is covered with a bag or a jar. Sprout the tops in a shaded warm place. It is important to remember that direct light has a detrimental effect on delicate leaves. After roots about 20–41 mm long are formed on the cutting, it is transplanted into a permanent pot. For planting Dumb cane, you can use the soil mixture for adult plants.

What to do with the remaining trunk and root?

The remaining trunk is inspected for the presence of growth points and dormant buds. With a positive result, the old stem is rooted in stem cuttings. Or cover the rest of the trunk with a jar to activate the development of sprouts from the root.

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Stem cuttings

The bare shoots and parts of the stem remaining after pruning are cut so that each cutting has at least one bud or knot.

Rooting steps:

  1. The resulting parts of the plant are dried for one or two days in a dark place at room temperature.
  2. Next, the dried cuttings are placed in a suitable container with the kidneys up.
  3. Rooted in a mixture of sand and peat or an aqueous solution of growth stimulants.
  4. When germinating in the soil mixture, the rooted stem is covered with a film or glass.
  5. Roots appear in about two weeks.
  6. After the formation of the root, cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place. For planting young Dieffenbachia suitable soil, is used for growing adult plants.

Air layering

Not the easiest, but quite effective way of reproduction. Suitable for adult plants from 3 to 5 years.

Stages of formation of air outlets:

  1. An incision is made on the main stem.
  2. The depth of the notch should not exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the trunk.
  3. The incision is wrapped with pre-moistened sphagnum. A cling film is applied over the moss and strengthened with adhesive tape or electrical tape.
  4. After young roots begin to form from the incision, the cutting is cut off and planted in the ground. When transplanting, the film is removed, but the sphagnum is not removed.
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Diseases and pests

Most diseases occur due to improper care, the location of the pot, and non-compliance with the watering schedule.

Diseases and pests  Cause, symptoms, and signs of the diseaseTreatment and prevention
Fungal and viral diseasesYellow, brown, or black spots on leaves, stems, and cuttingsIrrigation regulation, transplanting.
Violation of planting and care normsLight spots. Sunburn.
Brown spots in the center or edge of the leaf plate. Dry air, lack of moisture, draft.
Falling leaves. The consequences of plant transplantation, or hypothermia.
Correction of care and elimination of causes.
Spider miteLeaves curl and dry. The affected areas are covered with cobwebs.Affected leaves are removed. Insecticide treatment.
ThripsInsects with transparent wings are visible on leaves and the ground. Leaf plates gradually dry out and curl.Affected leaves are removed. The soil and plant are treated with insecticides.
AphidLeaves wither and dry. On the inside, you can see insects.Insecticide treatment. In the initial stage, treating the leaves with a soapy solution helps.

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Dieffenbachia is a very popular plant. They are used to decorating apartments, offices, halls, public institutions, restaurants, and other facilities. High growth and a plentiful green crown will help to complement and diversify any, even the most boring interior.

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