When are Monstera leaves unfurling?

No matter which one it is, the Monstera Deliciosa plant, Monstera Adansonii, or Monstera Obliqua, they all bring such a tranquil rainforest vibe to the place. Their lush, magic green leaves with slits or holes in them are a remarkable sight for any interior making them one of the favorite house plants. So let’s speak about monstera leaves unfurling.

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Did you know that the Monstera houseplant can reach 10 feet in height?

Monstera is a kind of plant that thrives in a light, warm and humid environment. It can grow pretty rapidly, and if you’ve purchased one, you will soon notice that new monstera leaves normally come out furled and will gradually unfurl when care conditions are right.

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The plant is also named the “Swiss Cheese Plant” due to the unusual form of its gorgeous Monstera leaves.

Monstera can be firmly considered a beginner’s plant, which sounds a bit doubtful at the start, but once you know a few tricks, you will learn that it is incredibly easy to maintain and can make you an enthusiastic plant lover.

When the perfect environment is provided, you will notice new growth very soon. Providing your monstera plants with light, water, nutrients, and enough humidity you can enjoy monstera leaves to unfurl.

How long does it take Monstera leaves unfurling?

Now your household is complete after getting a Monstera plant. These exotic and majestic plants make an impressive wow factor indoors. It’s exciting to watch your plant shoot new leaves, however, if monstera taking its time to unfurl, you are not alone.

This tight curling of new leaves is common. Depending on care and environment, leaves grow and unfurl within 1 to 7 weeks.

It also depends on what type of Monstera you have acquired and how old is that plant.
However, curling could be a sign of submersion low humidity, insect diseases or heat stress

Do not despair if leaves do not unfurl straight away, Monstera new leaves will unfurl by themselves, if your leaves aren’t unfurling by themselves after a few weeks and are beginning to brown, there could be few logical causes.

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Why won’t my monstera leaf unfurl?

The time required by the Monstera leaf to fully open is based on a number of factors, such as:

  • humidity level;
  • watering frequency;
  • pests;
  • the amount of sunlight that was received;
  • age;
  • nutrition of the Monstera.

You can see the leaves of the monstera plant unfurling under seven days in someone else’s garden or home, however, every plant is unique, and so it grows differently. Leaves of the very same plant may uncurl at a different rate. It is normal, and there is nothing to worry about.

Nevertheless, if it does take too long for a Monstera leaf to unfurl, or if new leaves are just sitting on the stem, does not unfurl naturally or change color to brown, there could be a reason for it and you certainly can enhance the growth of foliage of your houseplants, including magnificent Monstera.

Helpful tips to make a Monstera leaf to unfurl

So if you are observing a Monstera leaf undeveloped for a while you can check these tips for help:

Important Rule To Follow

Only one rule: do not try unfurling the monstera leaf yourself, if you do, the leaf will not fully develop, will not fully unfurl and you most likely will damage the leaf in the process.

Not getting enough watering

Leaves of your Monstera plant will curl if there is not enough watering. Check the soil, lack of water can result in the flower pot being much lighter, also if at the edges or 1 to 2 inches down is dry soil, it’s time to water.

Inspect soil dryness every couple of days the water needs of your plant relies on

  • plants’ development rate;
  • location of the plant;
  • time of year;
  • temperature;
  • humidity levels.

Adjust the frequency of watering according to those conditions. If you don’t remember to water your plants, make sure you set an alarm on your phone every couple of days as a reminder.


Monstera plants are vulnerable to invasions and attacks by pests like spider termites, mealybugs, and thrips. These can draw the juice from Monstera and can feast on its stems and foliage.

Insect attacks can also cause water loss and result in leaves curling. Pests can diminish nutrient delivery to Monstera which leads to leaf curl and stops the growth rate of Monstera.

It is easy to spot numerous insects with naked eyes however, you might require a magnifying glass to find spider termites as they are teeny-weeny. Rings or yellow spots on leaves are signs that thrips are fed on leaves.

You can find out more information about pests, insects and the means of destructing them in my article “Do plants attract insects? Causes + Effective methods of destruction“.

Low Humidity

Monstera is a tropical plant, and it does not like lower humidity levels. When the humidity levels fall to around 40%, you will observe leaf curl as a typical reaction.

It will not wilt due to low humidity. You can utilize a digital hygrometer to keep an eye on the humidity level inside your home. It is possible to increase the humidity by making use of a humidity tray underneath Monstera and using pebbles to elevate the plant over the water level, or by using an air humidifier.

Heat Stress

Soaring temperatures, particularly a sudden change in weather conditions, can be the cause of slow leaf unfurling. Despite the fact that tropical climates are natural for Monstera, heat can cause loss of water in it and a sunnier window can cause sunburn.

The ideal location for Monstera is shade, away from direct sunlight, reducing the light received which allows leaves to unfurl quicker. The perfect temperature for Monsteras is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and being in an area with indirect sunlight, can help enormously also.

Wrong pot

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When the roots do not get adequate space to grow, Monstera leaves will stop unfurling.
The plant might have grown, but it remains inside the exact pot in this instance, it can not take water and nutrients enough from the soil.

Consider repotting all your home plants once in a while when they have grown big. Use a pot with drainage holes to avoid overwatering.


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Overwatering is the most common reason behind the delayed unfurling of a new leaf. The water damage itself creates root rot and can result in fungi infestation. New Monstera leaf will not open up or fruit if watering it vastly because the plant will experience a lack of nutrients. Signs of overwatering are

  • yellowing of leaves;
  • wilting of plants;
  • curling of leaves;
  • brown spots on the leaves.

Do check the soil frequently. A soil meter works out just as well to figure out if the soil has enough water at the moment.

Consequences of Overwatering

Lift the plant to check if the roots have decomposed. Rotten roots will become brown or black in color and typically have a rotting smell. In the case, you have spotted the root rotting you can try the following:

  • Remove Monstera from the pot;
  • Cut off mushy roots and replant;
  • Wait until it dries out;
  • Reduce roots by one inch higher than the rot;
  • Relocate to fresh soil;
  • do not water for a day.

How long does it take Monstera leaves to split?

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A non-split leaf on a young Monstera plant

Monstera leaves split usually on mature plants, so do not get frustrated if your Monstera has no splits. You have to wait patiently until your plant grows older. In about 2 or 3 years the lives will start to split. A new baby leaf will split after unfurling.

Final thoughts.

If you’re passionate about indoor plants, you need this enormous Monstera plant. Have no doubts!

Do not be put off by the lack of unfurled leaves or their stunning charm.

The leaves unfold in their own time and depend on their surroundings. Even if the time span is up to just a few days to a few weeks, it’s crucial to ensure that you never take down or unfurl the leaf of a Monstera yourself.

A Monstera can become a star of your garden but you need to remember that not all Monstera plants can survive outdoors, even in their natural habitat. To ensure adequate nutrition, add fertilizer at least twice a year. This will slightly increase new leaf development and leaf unfurls.

Best of luck with your new hobby.

How long do Monstera leaves take to unfurl?

The time it takes for Monstera leaves to unfurl can vary, but it typically takes anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks for the leaves to fully unfurl.

Should you help leaves unfurl?

It is generally best to let leaves unfurl on their own, as this is a natural process that allows the plant to properly develop and adjust to its environment. Interfering with this process can cause damage or stress to the plant. However, if the leaves are damaged, it is best to remove them.

Do Monstera leaves continue to grow after unfurling?

Yes, Monstera leaves continue to grow after unfurling. As the plant matures, new leaves will unfurl and grow larger. The older leaves will eventually yellow and die off.

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