We share our care and love for the money tree: how to revive money tree

How to revive money tree? A Money tree, its second name is a wicker money plant, it is undoubtedly a magnificent money tree when it is a healthy plant. These lovely money plants grow up from 6 to 8 feet tall. This reason can be especially unpleasant if it turns out that your money tree is not healthy. But it is nothing to worry about – there is hope to save the dying money tree.

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Care of the money tree

Money tree’s require special care and attention, you should not neglect them- your plants will get pain, problems, and discomfort.

When you notice non-standard signs on a plant but you do not understand what is wrong, you should move your plant to the right place at first.

I suggest analyzing the most common problems and listening to some tips on reviving our money tree.

So how do you understand that the money tree is sick

Signs of the death of a money tree. A pot with a money tree plant should have drainage holes in the base – it is very important. If there is no drainage in the pot, excess water will accumulate near the money tree’s roots.

It is necessary to empty the saucers and trays under the pot regularly so that the bottom of the pot with a money tree does not stand in a puddle of water, it causes to root rot, as a result of which the brown leaves of the money tree drooping, turning yellow, and dying. When bright indirect sunlight gets on the plants, the leaves will come to life, they will become to look greener.

As you have already noticed, there are many options that you can do to revive a money plant. We believe that our article will help you to bring a money tree back to life.

Money trees are not difficult to take care of, but it is important not to neglect them, it can bring a lot of pain and problems to the plant.

When you notice some unusual signs on a money tree plant and do not understand what is happening, you have to move it to the right place. I suggest dealing with a few common problems that you will encounter and giving some tips on how to revive dying money trees.

In order to revive a dying money tree, you need to take several steps

  • Check the soil for moisture, and water if the soil seems dry. You need to pour it carefully.
  • Spray a money plant and use an air humidifier to maintain humidity.
  • Check the drainage holes.
  • Remove all damaged foliage from the money plant if the brown money tree leaves dropping of the money tree droop.

Does a money tree need light

Move a money plant to an illuminated place where it will receive the required amount of indirect light. You can’t put a money tree under too much direct sunlight.

Read also how to take care of:

How to get rid of pest infestation of a money plant

 It is necessary to spray with a solution of neem oil to eliminate problems with pest infestation and spider mites.

How do I find out if a money plant needs a larger pot

A money plant that has outgrown its pot has a higher chance to die. Therefore, it does not hurt to use a larger pot for a money plant. We choose a pot larger by an inch or two, conditions suitable for transplanting, for example, in late winter or early spring.

Do money trees die after transplanting

The main symptoms can be seen visually: the leaves wither, turn brown, and fall off. Reasons: it takes some time for the roots of money tree’s to take root in the new soil, to be able to absorb moisture, and nutrients, so money tree’s become dying money tree’s.

The reason for the death of the money plant after transplantation is that the roots have not yet taken root in the new soil and, of course, cannot sufficiently absorb moisture and nutrients to maintain the life of the money plant.

Transplanted money tree are reflects the usual signs of stress, and a dying money tree’s appears on the plant.

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When the roots get stronger to the right degree, and there will be no root rot absorbing the moisture needed by the plant, then there will be an immediate survival of the money tree, if all conditions are favorable.

How to revive money tree? What should I do if the money tree has root rot

But if it happens that the roots still show signs of life, then you can take measures to reverse the damage and help the money plant. To treat root rot, follow these steps.


Clean the root rot with water from the sink

Use sterile scissors to cut off the root rot. All the roots that seem healthy should be abandoned.

Urgently transplant a money plant into a pot with proper drainage (through the holes at the bottom). The soil mixture used in the new pot should not be too wet.

To prevent root rot in the future, refrain from frequent watering of the money plant.

In autumn and winter, money trees may shed their leaves due to lack of daylight, but in spring, when conditions are optimal, the leaves grow back


To revive a dying money tree, recreate the conditions of the natural environment of a money tree with a humidity of 30%, a cold temperature from 53.6 ° F to 77 ° F, and water the money tree as often as required so that the soil remains constantly moist. Once conditions become preferred, the leaves should perk up and perk up in the following weeks, this will save the dying of the money tree.

Yellowing of the leaves

Your waterlogged money tree usually has yellow lower leaves. Watering money trees cannot be excessive, this will lead to widespread wilting and yellowing of the brown leaves.

If this happens, your precious money tree may have more problems than you think due to root rot.

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You may be wondering why the leaves turn yellow due to excessive watering. At first, the plant will rejoice in the abundance of water. However, waterlogging will eventually strangle the roots and lead to their death. Thus, your underwatered money tree will no longer be able to absorb enough nutrients and moisture. This leads to discoloration (or chlorosis) in the form of discoloration or yellowing. Treat the roots to your money plant.

Brown spots on the leaves of a money plant

If brown spots appear on a money tree, on its leaves, it means a waterlogged plant. It usually starts to grow in small pots and then merges into larger pots. You may notice that they are soaked with water and surrounded by a yellow ring, the leaves are falling.

As in the case of yellow leaves, browning is a clear sign of root rot. Do not pin your hopes on the fact that these brown spots will turn green again. Thus, you should cut the browned leaves with sharp pruners or scissors.

You should know that some bacterial and fungal diseases of leaf spot can also lead to the appearance of such brown spots on the leaves of your money tree (money plant).

Mold growing on the soil

Mold spores are often present in many soil mixtures, as they cannot be completely eliminated. In most cases, they are harmless and inactive.

When the soil remains constantly moist for a long time, such conditions are just right for the flowering of spores. So, if you notice fluffy white mold growths on the soil surface, this is the first sign of excessive watering, it is important to observe infrequent watering.

These humid conditions are also favorable for the growth of algae, mold, and other fungal formations. All of them will appear in the form of a moldy cover on the upper layer of the potting soil, which contributes to money tree dying.


The wrinkled and soft appearance of your money tree

I think you’ve seen that the waterlogged money tree is withering. A large amount of water causes swelling, multiple and extensive tissue damage, and leaf bursting.

Therefore, the leaves and stems will be soft to the touch. This is often accompanied by the appearance of weak, yellowed, and withered leaves on the branches.

Weak and soft stem base

 If you overfilled a money tree, the base of the stem will become unstable, weak, or soft.

Rotten soil (root rot) around the base also emits an unpleasant rotten smell. It is important to preserve and take care of the health of plants.

Common mistakes when watering a money tree

  • Irregular watering: maintain a constant watering regime.
  • Watering too much: re-watering only when the topsoil dries out.
  • Moist soil from waterlogging: ensure good drainage and avoid excessive watering.
  • Watering the leaves, not the soil: avoid top watering and think about watering from below.
  • Watering in the heat: water early in the morning or late at night.

Factors affecting the frequency of watering

Natural Factors, such as temperature, humidity, and illumination, determine the frequency of watering a money tree.

You should also consider the season, the material of the pot, the size and type of pot, and, the size of your money tree.

Distribution of money tree’s

You must understand that transfusion threatens the death of the money tree, it will definitely die. Your ideal and the best course of action is to spread the money tree.

A competent way to spread the money tree is to use cuttings about six inches long, with several leaf nodes on each cut. It is necessary to lubricate the base of the cuttings with the hormone of root formation, then place your pot in a groundless environment (as an option, sand).

It is necessary to press on the sand until 1/3 of the cuttings are under the surface. Pour water on the stalk of the money plant, and cover the entire pot with a plastic bag on top to ensure humidity. Due to the evaporation, there will be an ideal humidity level inside the package. The new roots of your young money tree will appear approximately in seven weeks.

Next, you will need to wait another couple of months before you can transplant the money tree into a pot of different sizes with fresh, updated soil. Now place the transplanted money plants in the darkest, most secluded, and cool place so that a money tree is restored.

I give you some tips to find out the subtle differences

The main thing is to check the color, and texture of all the leaves — your favorite money tree should have dry, and crisp underwater, so that the rustling can be heard, freshness and rich green color can be seen. But there is another side – you can observe brown or yellow flaccid leaves on a very moist money plants.

What is defoliation

If a money tree (money plant) begins to lose its old, lower, or upper leaves, it is too dehydrated due to flooding with water, it feels bad, and it is sick. In a waterlogged money tree, all the leaves fall indiscriminately and at the same time, keep this in mind. The leaves can be yellow, brown, or sometimes green; upper, lower; young or old leaves.

Also, check for brown spots. Brown spots surrounded by a yellow halo indicate increased watering, and dry brown pots indicate that there is not enough water – insufficient moisture.

Wilting vs. twisting

These phenomena are present in both cases, wilting can most often be seen in waterlogged money tree’s. The leaves of the underwater money plants often curl, shrivel, and shrink.

Check the base of the stem of the money plant

If the stem has turned brown or chocolate color, unstable and soft condition, perhaps you have excessively watered plants in your hand. The base of an underwater money tree is usually dry and dusty.

For the final test, you have to check the soil

If your money tree is not flooded with water, the soil will be clearly dry, dense, and light. Darker, damp, or swampy soil that exudes a rotting smell indicates excessive watering (and, root rot).

Speed up the drying process

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It doesn’t matter what your goal is: to help a money tree dry faster or you want to take a closer look at the root system, in any case, you need to pull the tree out of the container (pot).

Since money trees flooded with water most often have already damaged trunks and stems, it is very important not to pull, tear or drag the tree out of the pot. Instead, turn the container (pot) on its side and very carefully take out a money tree.

If it does not come out easily, you need to run a knife along the inner edge of the planter to loosen the grip on the side walls and try again. If your money tree is as high as possible, ask your family or friends so as not to damage your tree.

Let’s summarize and highlight the main conclusions of the dying of the money trees

Frequent causes of the death of a money tree are excessive watering, waterlogging, low humidity, excessively high or low temperature, or too much sun.

The leaves of a money tree turn yellow and fall off due to root rot caused by excessive watering, while the leaves wither and turn brown due to low humidity and dry soil.

The leaves of a money tree wither due to excess water around the roots, which causes root rot. Excessive watering of pots without drainage holes in the base is the most common cause of the development of prevent root rot in the money tree, as a result of which the leaves turn yellow and die.

Brown leaves on a money tree indicate that the soil is too dry or the humidity is too low. Money tree grows in the tropics and prefers humidity of at least 30% and constantly moist soil. If the soil is too dry, the leaves of a money tree wither, turn brown, and fall off with a dying appearance.

Money tree sheds its leaves if the ground is very dry or is too wet, the humidity is too low, the temperature is below 53.6°F, or due to lack of light.

Indoor plants love special care, individual approach, care, and love.

Money tree needs its own unique conditions, where there are many nuances, signs, and specific conditions. We hope our article turned out to be productive and useful for you and will help keep your money plants healthy, and save them from death, diseases and pests. We wish you and your money tree good health.

How often should I water money tree?

Once a week. Put there are some factors which effect the frequency of watering: Natural Factors, such as temperature, humidity, and illumination, determine the frequency of watering a money tree.
You should also consider the season, the material of the pot, the size and type of pot, and, the size of your money tree.

Do money trees need sunlight?

Money tree sheds its leaves if the ground is very dry or is too wet, the humidity is too low, the temperature is below 53.6°F, or due to lack of light.

Why is my money tree dying?

Dehydration is one way the stem can die. If the stem is too dry for too long it begins to shrivel. Each trunk of the money tree is an individual plant, so when there’s not enough water, each plant has to compete for resources and this typically results in one of the plants (or trunks) dying.

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