Mature Philodendron micans: features, care, fight with diseases and common pests

Philodendron micans (Philodendron Hederaceum var) is a tropical plant of extraordinary beauty. It is often found indoors on windowsills. The plant has beautiful velvet leaves. Does not require special care, and is ideal for beginners. More about ripe Philodendron micans will be discussed in this article.

Philodendron micans plant features

Philodendron micans plants prefer to grow in a location dominated by indirect light from the sun. Needs watering every week if the topsoil is 2 inches dry. Prefers to grow at 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity between 50% and 80%. This plant has really interesting name. But not more strange that Dying zebra cactuc!

You need to plant the Philodendron micans in nutrient soil that dries quickly. In spring and summer, the monthly, top dressing is required. Prefers moderately acidic potting soil with a pH of 5-6.5. Transplantation is required at intervals of 1-3 years. Pruning is required during the growing season.

At maturity, the bushes grow up to 8 inches in height. They are toxic to humans and pets. Flowering rarely occurs indoors.

The uniqueness of Philodendron micans

Philodendron micans grows mainly on the bases of the Caribbean Sea, in tropical forests. The uniqueness of the Philodendron micans is in its beautiful deep green leaves. Velvet leaf Philodendron has a heart shape. As they grow older, the shades of the foliage change. From light green, they become dark green and have a red underside.

Philodendron micans are the best option for a hanging basket if the room has little space. Growing is simple, and you need to provide the conditions that rainforests have. This allows the culture to flourish.

Philodendron micans care

Caring for Philodendron micans is not difficult. The environment must be humid, without direct sunlight. The soil must be drained, you can also use orchid bark for it.


The velvet leaf Philodendron prefers to grow in light conditions. The optimal performance is 10-20 thousand lux. The direct rays of the sun are destructive, so you should not put them on the southern or western window sills. If there is no other option, move the trailing plant a few feet away from the window. You can also hang light curtains on the windows.

It is best to put flowerpots on the northern or eastern windowsill with bright indirect light. This allows the bushes to be illuminated by morning indirect light, which is not destructive.


Philodendron plants should be watered frequently to keep the moist soil at all times, but not wet. Once the top 2 inches of soil are dry, water should be done. You need to pour water until it pours from the bottom. When excess water drains, you can put a flowerpot with a saucer.

Water Philodendron micans plant with distilled or rainwater. This will prevent exposure to salts and chemicals found in tap water.


The velvet leaf Philodendron should grow between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. These conditions are achieved in heated rooms in a region with a temperate climate. Temperatures are allowed to drop to 55 degrees Fahrenheit at night. However, if it drops to 50 degrees or below, the plant may die.

Make sure that the plant is not in a draft or near ventilation. If you take flowerpots outside in the summer, try to return them to the house before the night cold snap sets in. Philodendron micans do not have frost resistance, which can kill the velvet leaf Philodendron.

Humidity indicators

Plant moisture requirements are quite flexible. The optimal rate should be about 70%. However, reductions are allowed. Humidity should not be allowed to fall to 40% or lower. Therefore, you should install a humidifier in your home.

You can also spray the leaves every day using distilled water. For work, it is better to use a sprayer.

What kind of soil to Philodendron micans have?

Landing should be carried out in the ground, which retains a small amount of water. Choose a porous substrate to allow the roots to breathe. You can use a universal substrate, however, it is better to add a few additives.

The best soil for Philodendron micans is one with organic matter to ensure good leaf growth. Therefore, a little compost can be added to the substrate. The pH should be 5-6.5. To do this, add a little peat moss to the soil. It is appropriate to add perlite, which makes the soil light.

Top dressing

If the compost was added at the time of planting, no further Philodendron micans fertilizer is required. If fertilizers were not used when planting, they must be used in the future so that the velvet leaf Philodendron is strong and healthy.

Choose complex fertilizers that contain 10% nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It is necessary to dilute 2 times less than prescribed in the dosage. This prevents burns to the root system. Fertilizers should be used monthly, during the warm period.

Fertilizers must be applied to the ground. Make sure they don’t get on the leaves. Top dressing is applied after watering so that the distribution of the components is uniform.

Features of landing and transplantation

A transplant of Philodendron micans is required every 2-3 years. This is done when the velvet leaf Philodendron grows out of the existing pot. A transplant is required after rooting. Roots will show through the drain. If you take them out of the container, they take up the entire volume of the pot, and the soil will not have enough space.

Transplanting is carried out in pots that are 2 inches larger in diameter. This will prevent stress in Philodendron micans. The pot should have good drainage holes. The soil for transplanting must be fresh.


Philodendron micans need regular pruning. It is necessary to remove leaves that have died or are damaged promptly. After all, they can be a source of disease. In spring and summer, stems that stick out should be cut off. This is a step to stimulate dense growth.

You need to cut long stems above the node. If cut a little lower, the velvet leaf Philodendron will hang. You can not cut more than a quarter of the leaves in 1 year. You need to work with sharp scissors, which are pre-treated with alcohol.

Reproduction features

Propagating Philodendron micans is fairly easy. Even beginners can handle it. It is best to stick to the method of rooting stem cuttings in water. Choose healthy stems that have 4 or more nodes. The stem cutting should be cut just below the bottom node. Leave some leaves on the tip.

After the stems are placed in filtered water. The container must be placed in a warm and dark place. Water changes should be carried out every few days, immediately after turbidity. After 2-3 weeks, roots begin to develop. Each stem needs to be transplanted into separate pots.

Common houseplant pests

Philodendron micans can be affected by beetles. Often in the bushes, you can notice the symptoms of the spider mites. Spider mites form a web, and yellow or white spots can be seen on the tops.

You can see on the back side small green parasites called aphids. You can remove insects with a hand shower. You can also see mealybugs. They resemble white flakes that appear on the back of leaf blades. You can remove them with a cotton swab that is wetted in alcohol.

Diseases of Philodendron micans velvet leaf

Almost all diseases that affect Philodendron micans are preventable. To do this, moisten the Philodendron micans soil, however, do not overfill it. Erwinia blight is a common bacterial disease. It appears as dark spots on the Philodendron micans leaves.

It is necessary to cut off all the infected parts, and transplant Philodendron micans into fresh soil. The pot must first be disinfected. You can also observe signs of root rot. It manifests itself in the form of the yellowing of the leaves and the softness of the stems.

You need to remove the root ball from the pot, and cut off all infected areas, as well as leaves that die. After that, a transplant into fresh moist soil is required.

Problems with Philodendron micans velvet leaf during growth

It is not uncommon to notice some problems with the bushes. If you notice that Philodendron micans have twisted leaves, then urgent watering is required. It is better to completely soak the pots, and drain all the water from them.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow, then you watered the velvet leaf Philodendron heavily. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering. If you notice brown spots around the edges, then the plant does not have enough moisture. A large distance between the leaves suggests that you need to put the heartleaf Philodendron in a place with bright indirect light.

Is Philodendron micans toxic?

Philodendron micans belong to the aroid family. Therefore, the velvet leaf Philodendron is highly toxic. Almost the entire plant contains a toxin – calcium oxalate crystals. Yes, you can grow a plant. However, it is better to take precautions.

Danger to people

Make sure that children do not come into contact with the velvet leaf Philodendron. You also need to clarify in advance how to provide first aid in case of poisoning. If a person does not swallow the leaves, then there is only skin irritation caused by the juice. In this case, you need to wash it with soapy water.

If children consume the leaves, swelling will occur around the mouth. You need to erase the traces, and then apply something cool and soothing. If there is swelling in the tongue and throat, you should consult a doctor.

The danger for pets

If an animal consumes Philodendron micans, it may become infected. Even birds can be exposed to toxins. If the animal begins to salivate profusely, and vomiting and diarrhea are also observed, you should immediately go to the veterinarian. Calcium oxalate can damage the kidneys.

It is best to place flowerpots with a flower away from children and animals. Philodendron micans are best planted in a hanging pot. Try to trim the stems regularly to keep them away from the floor.

Appearance Philodendron micans

The Philodendron micans is very attractive.


The Philodendron micans have lush leaves. When opened, it has a deep green tint, and there is pink edging around the edges. After the leaves may acquire a bronze-green hue, the lower part is red. When light penetrates through them, a rainbow effect is created.

Adult leaves are about 4 inches long. It is important to note the velvet texture of the bush. Therefore, you should not wipe the sheet plates.


The flower of Philodendron micans has velvet petals. They are white-green. The flowers are practically odorless. The culture rarely blooms if grown indoors.

Size and growth rate

In a room, Philodendron micans grow up to 8 inches tall. The growth rate is about 1 foot per year. If the cultivation is outdoors, the height of the bush is 8 feet.

How are Philodendron micans used?

Philodendron micans are versatile. This plant is appropriate for both a compact apartment and a large house. You can hang the planter in a corner where there is a shade to form a nice tropical look.

In summer, you can stir the Philodendron micans into the patio. This makes it cozy. The flower looks beautiful in the bathroom. Thanks to this, you can soften the space a little, and provide good humidity.


Growers face many questions when growing Philodendron micans.

How big do Philodendron Micans get?

The height of an adult Philodendron micans can be up to 10 inches. Another 3 inches are added at the expense of the vine.

Are Micans slow growers?

Philodendron micans have a fast growth rate. If you grow your crop in a hanging pot, it will climb up a trellis or moss pole. Thanks to the moss pole, you can fully reveal the size.

How long does it take for Micans to grow?

Philodendron micans have a high growth rate. If the plant grows in the right conditions, the annual growth will be 1 foot. The maximum plant height is 8 inches. The width and length are 4 feet.

How do I make mican Fuller?

Periodically, it will be necessary to form bushes of Philodendron micans. Pruning is rarely required. However, with the help of this procedure, you can give the plant a beautiful and sophisticated look. If you cut off the tips of the bush, this will stimulate the growth of new stems.


As you can see, growing Philodendron micans is not difficult. If you follow all the rules described in this article, you can grow beautiful shrubs that will help form an exquisite tropical corner in your home or patio.

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