Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue: features, care, FAQ

If you are looking for a beautiful tropical plant that will look exquisite both on the street and indoors, pay attention to the Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue (Cebu Blue Pothos or Dragon Tail plant). The plant can adapt to different conditions.

Acquaintance with the Blue Pothos Epipremnum Pinnatum

The culture of Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue has blue leaves with a silver coating. The surface is slightly glossy, so that, when lighting, the shade begins to shimmer. Partially the name comes from the Philippines because it is here that perennial vines develop.

The Cebu Blue Pothos can be found in other countries in Asia, Europe, and Australia. The Pothos plants can be creeping or weaving. Therefore, it looks beautiful in any garden. Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue does not require special care, which only enhances the popularity of the culture.

The height of the Cebu Blue Pothos varies from 4 to 40 feet. If you grow the culture in the room, then the height will not exceed 9 feet.

Growth phases of the Cebu Blue Pothos Epipremnum

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue has several growth phases: young and mature.

Young phase

In this case, the leaves differ in a bluish-gray or silver tint. On one plant you can see leaves of different colors. If the lighting conditions are bright, the shades shimmer, which increases the attractiveness of the Cebu Blue Pothos. The shape of the leaf plates can be oval or elongated. The length is 2-4 inches.

Care for a young hanging plant is not required. The bushes differ in the presence of hanging vines that have smooth surfaces. It is planted in suspended baskets.

Mature phase

When the plant grows, it becomes green. On the surface, you can notice divisions in the form of a zigzag. Visually, the leaves resemble the branches of a palm tree. The length of the sheet plates is 4 inches. In adulthood, the plant is also wolves.

The above parameters differ only in the Cebu Blue Pothos that grows in the room. In the open air, the plants are larger. For example, leaf plates grow up to 30 inches in length.

The flowering of indoor plants is not as plentiful as that of the street. However, this should not be achieved. Growing a large Cebu Blue Pothos in the room is quite difficult, so beginners will not cope with this.

How much light does a plant need?

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue does not need a lot of direct light. If your plans include the formation of magnificent leaves, you should provide bright indirect light. Periodically, the plant requires darkness without even moderate indirect light. You should not keep the hanging plant under direct sunlight, but the morning sun is good for it.

If you take bushes to the direct sunlight on the street, you should install them in places where filtered light prevails. You can install it under a tree or a large bush. If this is not possible, install a pot with a tropical vine closer to the window without direct sunlight.

You do not need to keep the Cebu Blue Pothos under the bright light. Remove the flowerpots from the window sills with sunny bright light after lunch. If the plant receives enough light, then every season it grows by 2-3 feet.

How to water the Cebu Blue Pothos?

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue does not need frequent and abundant irrigation. If you use the correct amount of water, the bushes are very magnificent. However, you do not need unusual watering schemes. Adhere to the same interval as for other plants.

After you can soak the bushes in pots. Between sessions, the soil should be dry. Excess water should exit through the drainage hole. The upper layer of soil needs to be dried, then watered.

If all the time the soil is wet in the pot, then abundant and frequent watering was carried out. The yellowing and wilting of the bush suggest that watering is not enough.

Temperature and humidity indicators

Plant storage is carried out at room temperature and ordinary humidity. If you are comfortable in the room, then with Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue there are no problems. If your region has a dry climate, you have to install an air humidifier.

You can use a pebble tray that is ideal for indoor plants. The formation of the tray is simple. It is necessary to fill the usual tray with pebbles or gravel and then pour water. After that, you need to put a flowerpot with a Cebu Blue Pothos in it to provide an optimal humidity indicator.

A mixture for a pot

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue landing can be carried out in any type of potting mix that is on market. If possible, use a drained and dense mixture, which is made of orchid bark, perlite, or vermiculite. It must be remembered that vermiculite contributes to the better retention of moisture.

Pots for Cebu Blue Pothos plants

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue landing can be carried out in different types of containers. Often gardeners use a suspended pot. However, because of this, the plant develops for a long time. This is explained by the fact that in limbo, the plant has no strength, and dangles.

The leaves may frown. The suspension pot is appropriate for beauty, and not for the development of bushes. It is appropriate to use containers with support. You can supplement it with a moss pole so that the Cebu Blue Pothos grows faster. Such options are appropriate, both outside and inside.


When the Cebu Blue Pothos actively gains growth, it requires fertilizer. Top dressing should not be plentiful, especially if there is already fertilizer in the soil mixture, which is slowly released. Fertilizers consist of macroelements and trace elements. Excellent macro elements are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Calcium, boron, copper, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, and iron are appropriate for trace elements. The soil is the smallest amount of manganese, zinc, boron, and copper. That is why these components are required separately when the process of the growing season occurs. All fertilizers must be diluted with water so that the concentration is not strong.

When the offseason occurs, the number of fertilizers must be reduced. After all, growth rates slow down. It is best to buy ready-made fertilizers that are sold in stores or nurseries. This reduces the time for the selection of the optimal combination of components.

Fertilizers are already fined and contain nutrients. Therefore, you do not miss anything important for the Cebu Blue Pothos.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are included in the category of macro elements. The main purpose of nitrogen is to help in the formation of chlorophyll, which will launch photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is green. Based on this, nitrogen contributes to the growth of healthy sheet plates.

Phosphorus helps to create healthy cells. It takes part in the process of breathing and healthy growth. It also triggers cell division. Moreover, thanks to phosphorus, healthy roots, fruits, and flowers grow. Potassium also takes part in photosynthesis, as well as the management of fertilizers and water. Potassium also increases plant immunity.

It is much important to provide the Cebu Blue Pothos with enough trace elements, among which:

  • Calcium. It contributes to the fact that the plant absorbs food better. At the same time, it helps to increase PH so that the Cebu Blue Pothos is easier to resist various diseases.
  • Magnesium. Class in chlorophyll. Therefore, the process of photosynthesis launches. At the same time, phosphorus indicators are stabilized.
  • Sulfur. Helps form amino acids that will produce protein and cells of the Cebu Blue Pothos. Thanks to it, you do not allow the bushes to go into a state of rest in winter.
  • Bor. Helps to make a cell membrane more durable. It also participates in the transportation of sugar and helps cells share. At the same time, it contributes to the development of seeds.
  • Chlorine. Helps the Cebu Blue Pothos to close and open its leaves. Thanks to this, gas will be produced during breathing.
  • Copper. The main purpose of this component is to help the plant in breathing and photosynthesis. It also helps to produce vitamin A, and improve the shade of leaf plates.
  • Iron. Helps to produce food, and start growth intensity. Almost all the enzymes that are necessary for transporting energy, reducing the amount of nitrogen, as well as stimulating the formation of lignin, have iron in their composition.
  • Manganese. He takes an active part in the process of photosynthesis. Helps accelerate Cebu Blue Pothos growth. It also provides better digestibility of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Zinc. Contained in some enzymes and proteins. He takes an active part in the growth of the plant.

Is Cebu Blue Pothos toxic?

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue is very toxic for pets. Therefore, you need to keep the healthy plant in a place where children and animals cannot reach it. In case of contact with a toxic plant, you can notice redness and swelling, which is accompanied by severe pain.

If the Cebu Blue Pothos is swallowed, the aforementioned symptoms can be seen in the mouth. However, this happens extremely rarely.

General problems with the plant

Often, Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue is characterized by ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness in care. You can often notice that the leaves are yellow, or acquired an unusual shape.

Often this happens if the culture lacks water and even indirect light. To avoid such a problem, the bushes should be correctly watered. The leaves can also darken, and purchase a brown tint. This suggests that the bushes were severely exposed to sunlight.

Often the darkening of the leaves is caused not only by burns but also by introducing a large amount of water or nutrient components. To prevent the problem, it is recommended not to leave the Cebu Blue plant for a long time in the morning sun.

Often, the Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue bushes are affected by pests, including powdery marshes and spider mites. To get rid of them, you need to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and then engage in spraying with pesticides.

If you work with chemical components, prepare a mask and gloves in advance. If you have an allergic reaction to plant juice, thanks to gloves it can be avoided. Therefore, they need to be worn in the process of trimming.


In the process of growing Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue, different questions may arise.

  1. Is Cebu Blue The Same as Epipremnum Pinnatum? Cebu Blue is an Epipremnum Pinnatum variety.
  2. How do you care for Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue? Care consists of watering, fertilizer, as well as surveillance of temperature and humidity in the room.
  3. What is so special about Cebu Blue pothos? A feature of the plant is its thin silver-green leaves, which decorate the room.
  4. Is Cebu Blue Rare? Yes, this variety is quite rare and has quite large leaves if there is enough space for growth.


As you can see, Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue is a rather rare plant that does not need special care. At the same time, it stylishly complements your room.

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