Lemon button fern toxic: is it true? Can you put a plant at home?

In nature, there is a wide variety of ferns like the Boston fern or Fishbone fern. Also, other ferns will look great in the garden or on the west-facing window. Many are interested in the question of whether lemon button fern is toxic. More about this variety you can read in this article.

Features of lemon button fern

Before proceeding to the study of lemon button fern toxicity, you should consider the plant better. Lemon fern belongs to the tree variety and is found in massive forests, where there is a lot of shade. The height of the bushes is only 12 inches. It should be noted the endurance of the plant. It can easily grow near the sea, because. can grow in soil that contains a lot of salt.

If you are planning to grow several lemon button ferns, it is recommended to keep them close by. This will have a positive effect on the prosperity of culture. Lemon button ferns can even grow indoors if environmental conditions are right. With their help, the room can be filled with a real spa atmosphere.

Proper lemon button fern care

Plants need proper care. The most significant factors of lemon button fern care will be discussed in more detail below.

Lemon button fern care: the need for light

Lemon button fern likes to grow in places where bright indirect light and diffused medium light predominate. However, some gardeners note that the culture feels good even in well-lit areas. This plant is highly adaptable.

Therefore, you can safely engage in planting crops in the shade or places with bright indirect light. After all, the natural environment is located in forests. Some gardeners have experimented with planting lemon button ferns in different lighting conditions. Surprise provoked the fact that they all prospered. However, it is better to land in a well-lit area.

Lemon button fern care: temperature and humidity indicators

Lemon button fern happy to grow in warmth. That is why the air temperature should be between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it should be noted that it is the humidity around, and not the temperature, that deserves more attention. It is not recommended to keep the plant in a house where there is an open fire or stove.

After all, the plant will suffer. This is because such objects will draw humidity from the air. Because of this, the plant can not consume it. However, several methods will help you maintain optimal humidity levels at all times.

Using a Humidifier

Humidifiers are known to help maintain the right indoor conditions. This has a positive effect on a comfortable life for a person. However, such devices are appropriate when growing lemon button ferns. You do not need to put the device next to the bush itself. If possible, it is better to place a humidifier near the fern. Believe me, this will only benefit the plant.

pebble tray

An alternative method is to use trays that are designed for gravel or pebbles. The plant must be placed on a pallet, on top of which stones are laid. Even their combination is allowed. Pour a small amount of water into the tray to cover the tops of the stones.

Situations should not be allowed when the plant is in contact with water. After all, the mixture in the pots will draw out moisture, which can cause the development of root rot. Over time, the water will evaporate. After that, you will need to replenish the volume of water.

Lemon button fern care: how to water lemon button fern?

Lemon button ferns are adaptable plants. This is a great option for beginners in gardening. After all, you do not have to constantly draw up a watering schedule and strictly adhere to it. If you are growing other plants that need strict watering, the fern can also fit into this regimen.

This will make it much easier to take care of him. Regardless of the frequency of watering, the lemon button fern will grow well. It is even possible to let the peat-based soil dry out a little. There will be no harm. The most important thing is the need for spraying a plant regularly.

This will give plant lovers the ability to control the humidity level, which is very important for the crop. However, you can use regular tap water. The main thing is that it should not be too rigid.

Amount of water

Many are interested in how much water to pour into a lemon button fern. Everything depends on your capabilities. However, it is better if water enters the root system. Watering should be carried out when the top layers of the potting mix are dry.

Lemon button fern care: potting mix for lemon button fern

Lemon button ferns can be planted in a potting mix that is suitable for indoor plants. However, it is important to ensure several other conditions. You can pay attention to ready-made mixtures that are made from organic matter. This will positively influence the development of the fern.

What pots to plant in?

You can use any kind of pot you can find. It could be a hanging basket or a fancy pot that doesn’t move. Regardless of the choice, the fern will be comfortable. However, it is important to periodically monitor whether the plant has enough space in the pot. If not, a transplant will be required.

It is also important to ensure good drainage quality. However, you need to work carefully so that the root system is not heavily oversaturated. The main purpose of drainage is to regulate humidity to prevent root rot. To ensure drainage, you need to lay stones or pebbles on the bottom so that water does not accumulate around the root ball.

Repotting lemon button ferns

Lemon button ferns do not have special requirements regarding the container in which they will grow. The size of the plants is small, so it makes no sense to buy pots that are larger than 6 inches. Even if you use them, there is no harm to plants. It is allowed to grow lemon button ferns in a terrarium. This allows you to create a special unique look that will attract attention.

How to prune lemon button fern?

When the leaves of the lemon button fern mature, they will fall off naturally. Often this happens with the onset of cold, that is, in autumn and winter. For the lemon button fern to always look stylish, you need to remove the dead fronds. The procedure should be performed in the spring when new leaves begin to form. For work, you need to use sharp scissors.

They must first be sterilized by dousing them with alcohol. After the tool, you need to cut off the leaves that have withered. They differ in a brown tint, so you will not have the opportunity to make a mistake. Cut off the leaves at the base.

You need to work carefully. After all, it is impossible for leaves that are green in color to be affected, or that have just begun to form. Once the pruning job is complete, wipe the scissor blades with alcohol again.

How does lemon button fern reproduce?

Given the fact that the lemon button fern does not have flowers, it will not work to propagate it by seeds. However, you can separate new ferns from the bushes. To many, this process seems rather complicated. If you follow all the rules, there are no problems.

Separation method

This propagation method is considered the easiest to get a new lemon button fern bush. To work, you need an adult and a large bush, which is divided into several parts. During the division method, it must be borne in mind that each part must have enough leaves, as well as an excellent root system.

Given the large size of the root system, it will not be difficult to divide the bushes. From one lump of roots, you can get 2-3 new bushes, which will be smaller. At the same time, they will all have their leaves, stems, and roots.


It is by spores that ferns reproduce in their natural environment. In the forest, the process is much easier, because gusts of wind or insects will carry spores, improving the breeding process. In a home environment, this method is quite complicated. Especially if you grow ferns in a terrarium.

After all, there is no airflow. However, there is no reason to be upset. You can collect spores from mature bushes and get new lemon button ferns from them. Yes, the process is very complex. If you put in a little effort, everything works out.

How to grow lemon button fern in a terrarium

Ferns can be grown in a terrarium. After all, the plant is quite hardy. Ferns and the lemon species are no exception, prefer to grow in the wild, where there is shade and high soil moisture.

Therefore, in a terrarium, you have every chance to grow a beautiful plant. It is better to choose closed terrariums that will retain heat and moisture to create optimal conditions for the growth of the fern. Lemon button fern has normal roots that are easy to work with. You can take the bush out of the old pot and place the roots in the terrarium.

Then you must sprinkle it with soil, and that’s it. However, there are several important factors to keep in mind. Ferns have short and thin roots. Therefore, planting should be carried out on a substrate with a high content of nutrients. If this is not done, the roots will not have enough moisture, which will cause the plant to die.

Benefits and toxicity

The main advantage of ferns is that they can filter the air. They can absorb pollutants from the air, including formaldehyde, toluene, or xylene. Lemon button fern helps to increase indoor humidity levels. This contributes to the fact that you will not suffer from dry skin and various diseases in winter or the off-season. Lemon fern is not included in the category of toxic plants.

Common pests

Lemon button fern can be affected by mealybugs and spider mites. You need to fight parasites by rinsing under running water so that the beetles are washed away. After spraying with soapy water or neem oil. The treatment procedure is carried out at an interval of 3 days.


When growing lemon button fern, you may encounter various issues. The answers to them will be presented below.

1. Are button ferns toxic to humans?

No, the plant is not toxic to tropical animals, pets, and humans.

2. Do lemon button ferns purify air?

Yes, the plant can purify the air of harmful substances that can cause headaches or breathing problems. The fern also helps to increase the humidity of the air, which is important in winter, when the air dries out due to heating.

3. Is lemon button fern an indoor plant?

The lemon button fern is considered a versatile plant. It can be planted both indoors and outdoors. At the same time, it will be an excellent option for both beginners and professional gardeners.

4. Do lemon button ferns smell like lemons?

Yes, lemon button fern leaves are capable of emitting a light lemon scent. However, this only happens in spring and summer. Therefore, the lemon button fern will not only moisturize, but also freshen the air in the room.


As you can see, the lemon button fern is non-toxic and you can safely grow it on your windowsill. At the same time, the plant will purify, moisturize and refresh the air, which will ensure a comfortable stay in the room.

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