Growing carrots in containers : A Comprehensive Guide (2023)

Carrot seeds are easily available and growing carrots in containers is a great way to produce homegrown veggies right outside your home with minimal effort. Container grown carrots do not need particularly deep pots that can often be expensive. And, since you’re growing them in soil that is free of stones, the roots will grow straight and free of forking.

Growing carrots in containers

Carrots grown in containers can even be harvested growing upwards from the middle as opposed to downwards – something you can’t do when growing them in a garden bed! With regular watering and fertilizing, containers of carrots can give you a never-ending harvest throughout summer and fall.

Growing carrots in containers can be incredibly rewarding! Your container needs to be large and deep enough to give the carrot room to grown – a 10 gallon grow bag around 16 inches across can easily fit 24-36 carrot seeds.

Plus, your container-grown carrots are less at risk for pests such as slugs and larger critters like rabbits or deer. It’s also a great DIY activity for kids – growing carrots is easy and fun, so your kids can learn the basics of gardening while watching their carrots develop over time. Then they get to harvest them when they’re ready and enjoy all the deliciousness they produced with their own hands.

Growing carrots in pots on the patio


Let’s get ready to plant! Think you have what it takes to grow carrots in containers? You’ll find all the answers here, from choosing the pot size and preparing your soil – we even give tips on how and when to harvest. Get creative with container gardening today – let’s start planning our carrot garden now.

Growing your own garden doesn’t have to take up acres of land – container gardening allows anyone with limited space the opportunity to enjoy fresh, home-grown produce! From strawberries and blueberries to potatoes and carrots, you can cultivate a wide variety of edible treats no matter how tiny your patch.

Can you grow carrots indoors?

Growing carrots in containers

Carrots, so often synonymous with the classic orange crunchy snack we all enjoy, can now be grown right inside! Forget pesky pests and tedious tending; simply find a sunny south-facing window for 6 to 8 hours of full sun. You’ll then have carrots year-round in your very own home garden!

As the sun climbs higher in the sky, ensure your carrots get just enough warmth without getting scorched. If temperatures soar too high around mid-day, provide some respite with a bit of shade or repositioning their pots for an hour or two.

Meanwhile during wintertime, sunny windowsills should give them plenty of light to thrive under; no need for extra grow lights! And don’t forget that all those precious hydration efforts won’t be wasted – place trays beneath each pot to capture any water runoff and keep it where they can benefit from it most.

The benefits of growing carrots in containers

Have limited gardening space? Carrots and other root vegetables are the perfect choice for container growing, allowing you to move them around throughout the day in order to give your plants optimal sun exposure. No need for a full garden plot – with containers, you can enjoy delicious homegrown carrots anywhere.

The disadvantages of growing carrots in pots

Carrots grown in pots need to be closely monitored – if you don’t pay attention, your crop might get into hot water! During the summer months it’s important to stay on top of watering and make sure not too much or too little is provided. Too much rain can also prove problematic for container carrots as their roots like loose soil, so even during rainy days it pays off to keep an eye on them.


How big should my carrot pot be?

Cultivating carrots in containers is rewarding and can be done with success, as long as you make sure to choose the right container. Opt for something that’s not too deep—around 12-14 inches is best–with plenty of drainage holes so your soil doesn’t get soggy. If a deeper pot isn’t feasible, consider cultivating varieties like Parisian or Oxheart which are smaller and only require an 8 inch container depth. Moreover, always check the seed packet instructions before planting any carrot variety.


Gardening enthusiasts will be delighted to know that, with patience and the right environmental conditions, they can reap a bounty of carrots in under 100 days! All it takes is just 90 days from planting until harvest – although changes in temperature may extend this timeline by up to two weeks.


The best pots and planters for growing carrots in containers

Carrots come in a diverse array of shapes and sizes, some having roots as long as one foot or more! If you’re looking for hassle-free gardening with minimal upkeep required, then larger pots and planters are the way to go – they provide adequate space for your chosen carrot variety’s root length while still holding enough soil to greatly reduce how often it needs watering. So if you want an easy crop with less work involved from start to finish, bigger is definitely better when choosing containers for carrots.

Planting carrot seeds and growing carrots can be accomplished successfully with a little bit of effort. It’s important to select a container material for your carrot plant that is appropriate for the plant’s needs, as this will impact their care and maintenance.

Clay pots are an example of a porous material which require more frequent watering in order to keep the soil moist; plastic, fiberglass, or metal containers all require far less water than clay and evaporate far less moisture from the soil as well. Fabric containers are also an option for plantings as they tend to allow oxygen to get to plant roots more easily. If you’re looking to plant carrot seeds, ten gallon fabric bags make great containers but larger sizes such as Smart Pot Long Beds are even better, if you want your carrots to really thrive.

Planting carrots and other vegetables in upcycled 5 gallon plastic buckets is a great way to harvest a fantastic crop. Container planting, as it’s known, requires that drainage holes are installed in the bottom of the bucket to regulate airflow and water levels.

Carrot roots need good oxygen levels or their growth will suffer; therefore, by drilling 1/2 inch drainage holes with a basic drill, you can ensure your carrot crop has plenty of air available and won’t be sitting submerged in water for extended periods of time. It’s an easy way to set yourself up with a wonderful carrot harvest.

Planting carrots in containers

Planting carrots in containers

Enjoy a never-ending harvest of succulent carrots straight from your garden! Sow the first batch before mid May, then every three to four weeks for sweet roots throughout summer and autumn. A cool season crop with plenty of flavourful options – be sure not to miss out on growing these delicious veggies.

Home-grown carrots have never been easier with the ability to control soil composition and nutrition! With a blend of two-thirds potting mix and one third compost, plus some bone meal for extra phosphorous – essential when growing yummy roots like carrots – you can create your own perfect environment. For an added kick, all purpose organic vegetable fertilizer is great but avoid higher nitrogen levels as they may cause bigger tops than tasty tractor pulls.

How to plant carrots

How to plant carrots

Careful planting is key when growing carrots in containers! Start by filling your pots with a moist, balanced soil mix and level it out. To make the process easier, use pelleted or seed tape to evenly scatter seeds – they should be half an inch apart and quarter of an inch into the ground. Why not plant them in a grid formation? This allows you to fill up each pot nicely while also making sure there’s enough space for thinning if necessary.

Planting your pot of carrots is just the first step! Remember to use a gentle mist or shower setting when watering – avoid powerful jets, as these could dislodge delicate seeds. To ensure healthy growth, make sure you move the container so it catches plenty of light; six long hours in the sun every day should do them good.

Growing carrots in containers

Growing carrots in containers 2

After the hard work of germinating and nurturing your seeds has been done, you can reap a delicious reward by ensuring abundant harvests from these carefully tended plants. Regular watering and fertilizing are essential for successful potted carrots – with a little bit of extra TLC, you’ll be feasting on succulent roots in no time

Watering – The perfect carrot garden needs a little tender loving care. Just lightly moisten the soil but not to an extreme; stick your finger in and check from time-to-time if you want those succulent roots to reach their full potential without forking or twisting! With consistent attention, even the most novice gardener can nurture happy carrots with ease.

Thinning – When your seedlings reach two to three inches tall, it’s time for some thinning. Garden snips are recommended instead of pulling out the unwanted growth – otherwise you risk damaging nearby root systems that may be intertwined in each other! For more slender carrot varieties such as Imperator and Nantes, give them a bit less breathing room between 1 1/2 inches apart; with chunkier options like Chantenay and Parisian roots though they need twice the space at 3 inch intervals.

Fertilizing – TTo ensure maximum success, feed your plants every few weeks with an organic fertilizer or nourishing compost tea. Be sure to avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers which may give you strong leaves but disappointingly undersized roots.

Hilling – If you’re growing carrots, it’s important to pay attention and ensure their roots remain covered! A bit more potting mix will do the trick when needed. Unsurprisingly, exposure to direct sunlight can turn these tops green—making them too bitter for a tasty snack.

How to harvest carrots in containers

How to harvest carrots in containers

With a few weeks of patience, you can transform tiny seeds into delicious baby carrots perfect for sharing with your family and friends. Check out the specific ‘days to maturity’ information on your seed packet so that you know when they’re ready to harvest – or pull one root early and see if it’s big enough! A summer treat awaits in every garden at this time of year – get harvesting those sweet little treats today. 

Through clever harvesting practices, we maximize growth potential in the pot. Instead of a full harvest at once, only every second root is pulled to ensure that carrots continue flourishing and developing within their designated environment.

Types of carrots

While there are dozens of varieties of carrots available from seed companies, there are five main types: Imperator, Nantes, Chantenay, Danvers, and Parisian. 

Imperator – Imperator carrots are the perfect snack, easily found in your local grocery store or farmers market. These munchable roots come with a variety of sizes and shapes – from 10 to 12 inches long! If you’re feeling creative though, why not try growing them yourself? All it takes is an appropriately sized container – at least 14″ deep should do the trick.

Nantes – Sweet and crunchy, Nantes types carrots have to be the most delicious! With their cylindrical roots growing 6-8 inches long in pots, cold frames or garden beds – I just can’t get enough of this tasty variety.

Chantenay – Growing Chantenay carrots is a rewarding and enjoyable experience for little gardeners of all ages. These vibrant vegetables have triangular roots that can reach up to four inches wide at the top, with only five-inch long stems – perfect for shallow containers or window boxes! With just 9-10 inches of soil depth needed, these easy to cultivate carrots bring color, flavor and nutrition in no time.

Danvers – Danvers carrots are known for their unique shape and size: they boast majestic, tapered bodies that reach up to 8 inches in length. If you’re looking for the quintessential carrot flavor, these varieties will definitely hit the spot.

Parisian – Get a round of applause for these perfect-for-containers carrots! With crunchy roots that range from 1 to 3 inches in size, they’re easy to enjoy: no need for skin peeling here.

Growing carrots in containers: the best varieties to plant

Now that we know the various types of carrots, here are seven of my favorite varieties to grow in pots:

  • Atlas (70 days) – With Atlas Carrots, sweet crunches are in store! Enjoy this delightful Parisian variety with its cute rounded roots – harvested for greatness at only 1-2 inches across. No need to peel them; just rinse and chow down on this juicy snack.
  • Yaya (56 days) – Yaya is a Nantes-type carrot boasting 6 inch long roots and promising to be ready for harvest in less than two months from seeding – making it the perfect crop to plant during mid to late spring if you’re looking forward to fresh summer produce. 
  • Bolero (75 days) – Bolero carrots bring sweet, juicy flavor to your plate! With their long cylindrical shape that grows up to 8 inches in length and strong resistance against diseases, these Nantes variety veggies are the perfect addition for any meal.. 
  • Adelaide (50 days) – Grow your own “baby” carrots with Adelaide! It’s the perfect variety for those who love petite, crunchy roots. Ready in a mere 50 days, you’ll be able to enjoy these snackable veggies come harvest time – no matter how small your garden may be. 
  • Oxheart (90 days) – Oxheart carrots are a heritage variety that will add both flavor and visual appeal to your kitchen or garden. These veggies boast beautiful cone-shaped roots measuring 3 – 4 inches at the shoulders, but only being 4 – 5 inches long overall! Their cute, compact shape makes them perfect for containers of all sizes. 
  • Thumbelina (65 days) – Plant this magical carrot and watch it bring the fairytale right to your garden! Children will be enchanted as they witness its transformation from small round roots, into perfectly sweet 1-2 inch goodies. Ready in no time at all – raw or cooked – fairy tale carrots make an ideal addition for any veggie connoisseur’s patch of green.
  • Royal Chantenay (70 days) – If you’re looking for an easy-to-grow variety of carrot with amazing juicing qualities, look no further than Royal Chantenay: its 3″ wide shoulders and 6″ length make it a consistent favorite for those who love to juice.
  • Danvers Half Long (75 days) – Danvers Half Long is a heritage variety that offers sweet and delectable roots reaching 8 inches in length, the perfect size for enjoying its incredible flavor. So don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to savor an extraordinary taste.

How deep do containers need to be for carrots?

Most carrot varieties need a maximum container width of 12 – 1 cm between seeds and container edges. A wide spacing will give carrot seeds the best growth and the most complete development possible.

Do carrots grow well in containers?

Carrots can be planted in all types of containers, but you have to choose a large pot to accommodate the roots of the variety you want. Here you can find more details about various varieties of carrots and however, the root depth can reach 0.5 m to 1.5 cm therefore you can choose accordingly.

How many carrot plants can you grow in a 5 gallon bucket?

Old containers can be used for growing carrots as long as they have the proper amount of soil in them. Five-litre buckets can fit most types of carrot plants and a five-litre pot can hold 10 plants.

How long do carrots take to grow in containers?

The length of a carrot growing container depends on its variety if it is grown at room temperature. Most varieties pick up at least 75 days following the start. Look for carrots to look like they will soon be harvested.

Read more: Best potting soil for palm trees

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